The cypHER female rap series was created by The Progress Report Media Group as an opportunity for women with bars to showcase their originality and...
The Progress Report Media Group (TPR Media Group) is a media and entertainment company based in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to being a music blog,...
DY Kingz are a group of 4 brothers who rap and dance. They have danced for the likes of Lil Keed, Lil Got It, Lil...
East Atlanta artist KashKash has been writing music for years and finally got a single that’s heating up nationwide. His song “Throat Baby” is playing...
In a new episode of The Progress Report Podcast, Erica Banks talks Dallas, Texas music scene, the main differences from Houston, Texas rap, why she...
“If you are an inspiring entertainer please be prepared for people to switch up on you like that” Emmanual Hudson is a musician, actor, comedian,...
Don P is the founder of Atlanta Hip Hop trio, Trillville. The group formed in the early 2000s and garnered mainstream success with their hits...
Street Money Boochie is a rapper from Summerhill, Zone 3 of Atlanta, GA. He is also known for being the late, Bankroll Fresh’s cousin and...